Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time healz r woundz.

Da Mom still misses Punkin but me an Pandi iz steppin up tu make her feel better.

We haz gone back tu doin thingz like we use tu before Punkin came tu live here. I (Smudgie) followez her around an keep her company like Punkin did, and Pandi layz on her and sleepz wid her at nite.

Lotz of Da Moms human friendz say "You gonna get a kitten?" Da Mom sayz no, she thinkz me and Pandi would be happier if she didn't.

Shez rite!!!!


Anonymous said...

Smudgie, you are doing the right thing for your human mom. She needs lots of love from you and you and Pandi are doing that for her.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It sounds like you and Pandi are doing a very good job comforting and taking care of your mom. Please to give her some extra kitty hugs from us.

Jans Funny Farm said...

it's so hard when we lose a furry, isn't it! We hope your mom is doing better. We know you've all been helping her by being extra nice to her.